Friday, October 15, 2004


Found this on my com .. was to pass National Education if ya believed it .. still I meant what I wrote…

As defined in the dictionary, a friend is a person whom one knows, likes, and trusts. A person whom one knows; an acquaintance, a person with whom one is allied in a struggle for a cause. A comrade; one who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement. While friendship is defined as the quality or bonding of friends.

These two definitions are true in my point of view. Friends come in all shape and sizes; Tall ones, short ones, same age friends, friends of the same sex, friends with religious beliefs, friends who would be damned to hell as they put it, friends of the opposite sex, the list goes on.

At first, one’s appearance may seem an important trait when ‘looking’ for a friend. Well, it is true as people generally are drawn to someone initially, but that’s only skin deep.

I’ve had many experiences in making friends. Some of them I may have considered them to be friends at first, you know? They’ll ne like your best buddy in the world, agree with you on everything, do stuff together, hangout together, like peas in a pod. Eventually, you’ll be able to see, and it’s rather transparent and obvious, that they weren’t really there to make friends with you for you are, but rather manipulate you into letting them use you and what you may have. You would think at first that by doing this, you’d expect something in return, as it takes two hands to clap, but when it comes to the crunch, they’re never there, to think you’d consider them to be friends in the first place.

Maybe that’s why I’ve become rather cynical to those people that seem so happy all the time, please don’t patronise me and please for gawds sake, get a life.

In my experience, there are those, which you may have the perception that they’re there just to suck the blood out of you, and thus would generally avoid them. But then, through a twist of faith, karma, whatever you might call it, you get to know that particular individual, you’ll realise that person isn’t so bad after all, truly genuine. You may be weary at first, but that individual may have a way in opening you up, and before you know it, you’re good friends.

And of course, there are those whom you’d meet for the first time, and the both of you would instantly click, as though it was written in stone that you were meant to be friends.

I believe that every individual would have a friend that they have known since the beginning of life till the end of it, something along that line. Why I believe in this is that probably because I do have a friend that fits this description and the others as well, it’s true.

A true friend to me would be the kind that you would sit down down anywhere in the world, not uttering a single word for hours and eventually walk away, feeling as though it was the best conversation you’d had. The comfprtable silence. In short, liking that person for whom he or she really is, and not anything else that comes along with him or her.

Miss you guys back home.. c’ya soon .. take care … paace

P.S. … quite lucky to have found the peps here that I regard as friends… ;o)

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