Now Playing: 6 a.m. BBC World Service
The Killers - Somebody Told Me
Well, in my opinion it always seems that that in times of crisis, sorrow and despair does humanity of the world shine through. Wonder why this can't be seen on an everyday basis. It is a tragedy. God will send his Angels ...
Someting still seems to bugging me, though I think I may know what it maybe but erm ... don't think I really can say exactly what it is . Everything may seem to be the same on the surface , but when you start peeling this very complex onion of life you start to realise whom and what people are. There are vines that seem to be intertwined and some that lead to nowhere. Sigh ...
Note: if this seems to be abit of an excercise in grammar ramling, indeed it is, and it's one of the few ways I can get stuff of this very vacant brain of mine.
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