Now Playing: The Killers – All These Things That I have Done
a.m., woke up 2 hours earlier, getting kinda irritating, I’m usually on 2 extreme poles when it comes to sleeping. So I took up ChinFee’s advise and took a walk around my neighbourhood, and it wasn’t for 4 hours….
Anywho, so took the Bob out for a a walk as I won’t be the sort to bothered to go for a walk just to kill time. And as usual when he sees the leash or hear’s it he’ll regress into a puppy, sometimes I wonder who’s walking who ….
Walking a long Bin Tong when all a sudden my mom pulls up next to us and tells us to get into the car, really thought she kidding, even the Bob was somewhat bemused by this whole ting. So we took him for a car ride and eventually ened at the Botanics.
I must admit that I am somewhat of a swaku when it comes to the Botanics but shit man, banyak orang she. Well, it was the usual mix of cosmo’s, retirees and expats, and doggies everywhere, so there was Bob, he’d be thinking that this is going to be a regular feature for a walk. Jessie, well she’s got this excuse that her leg is shot, think she’s just lazy … the 2 paraiahs.. they’re kinetic…
Least I’ve filled up my morning ….
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