Cant’s seem to sleep, and yea gonna put it down to my bio clock or if you wanna get technical, your cycadian rthymn has gone outta sync, what the hell.. potato patato …
As always, million thoughts are running trough my mind, some mundane, some that might happen in the future and some of which would be rather absurb. (I’m being very vague here as I have no idea what to write about)
Nothing much happening of late, been bumming and procrastinating.. oh the hardship that university faces. Yup, finally got around to booking my flight back to Perth and somewhat gotten to extend my student visa to which I’m not really bothered at this point as well it will sort itself out (and other elements to which this would speed the process of). And I guess that would go for everything else that is igoing for in my life. Opportunities are meant to taken.
I guess I am in that really boh chup moos nowadays, maybe it’s enjoying what is left of my life of which the only thing I have to worry about is getting good frades and the next tghing would be to start all over again in the big bad world, yes I’ll say it time and time again, where people would discriminate you for the shittiest things, and being visually handicap doesn’t do me any favours and I don’t think I need anyone else to remind me of this.
Or maybe it’s another ring in the bark of life, as most people would know am turning 24 in afew weeks time, nothing ventured, nothing gained, and that goes to a lot of things.
One of which would be that I’m single? Been awhile since I’ve been interesting in anyone, remotely. In most cases the mind tends to overplay things even before shit happens, I’m just wonderig whether I have shelled myself out totally to point of which every female I meet I’ll just regard as a friend, or my standards of what I perceive to be that would be of my level is simply not there and impossible? I wish I knew. All the good ones ar taking or otherwise, too close for comfort.
Life, a small word that would take afew decades to explain, whatever will be, will be, whisper words of wisdom, let it be…..
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