Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The first goodbyes...

I hate goodbyes, nobody does, and I guess in a way, this would be the first few inklings of thoughts that are to be coming out inthe next few weeks/months...

This goodbye? Well, would be Fiona Enright, my notetaker. Well, this individual wouldn't be just someone you'd come across once upon a time in your life and forget as you move on.

Aprt from another one, she'd b definately be quantified as someone as I regard as being a friend. Not only does she notetake for me which would be the primary reson why I've encountered her during my studies here, but as time has progressed, we've build up a plutonic one, though at most times it has brief, but I guess it would be the little things that rules above all, the bit of conversation when she drops me back home after night lectures, we ditching a lect if it's boring (disclaimer; which is seldom).. she's cool basically (if I maybe abit ol' foggy sounding).

So tonight would be her last note taking session with me. On the ride back I just fely kinda outta it, and I don't know where she picked it up, that vibe, but she noticed it as well.

I'm always appreciative of comon cross people who have thatquirky triats about 'em, something that make you want to know more about them.

All in all, it was a simple goodbye....

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