what i saw
Caught World Trade Center afew hours ago. The film that revisits 911, that fateful day that changed the world and history as we know it, and initially brought out the best of the human spirit and later on down the road, the worst of: every biasness’, every discriminatory, every stereotype, every xenophobic, every hypocracy that would come out of this world right now, sad as it is, as influenced by the modern day media and the powers that be, or otherwise.
Initially, I thought that this would just be a patrioic Amerucana film. But as I watched it, what unfolded before me a was truly a powerful film. It just hit a nerve that after seeing the flick, for some strange reason I just felt so numb, and I guess I’m writing this entry to recollect my thoughts.
For one thing, the background of the story would be the tragedy of 911, but simply out, it tells the story of the spectrum of the human spirit: anger, anguish, hurt, despair, confusion, hope, joy, dreams, happiness, elation and any other superlative that would describe the emotions of being human.
To be honest, it was rather difficult, at points of the film to watch it, I felt this rather uneasy chill coming up from the back of my spine, and at times, there were tears. That’s just being human.
I guess this sorta reaction would be what it is, genuine. As it did happen and to revisit that, even though, from the parts of wher I’m from, wast not affected by it it directly. But you’d one way or another feel something and just ask yourself.. Why?
Another thing that hit me, which was rather morbid and I don’t know why it crept into the forfromt of my thoughts was that of near death experiences and one’s mortality. I would have to say that it did happen once and it had not crossed my mind at all, but I guess this film sorta did trigger some thought about it.
Life is meant to be cherished, celebrated and made full use of.
Erm, think I'm getting abit too deep and philosophical now.
The power of cinematography.
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