Thursday, July 20, 2006


As some of you know might know. I am currently in a transitional period; between educational life and the dreaded death sentence –working life.

Hence, the only rather productive thing for me to conjure with would be to work on my C.V. (which at this moment the 3 pages of my minuscule achievements and milestones are being combed through by 2 proffesionals, which I am eternally grateful to) and vege out on the couch or bother everyone else that seems to be working or tied up with other things.

Anyways, was mucking around on the laptop and decided to scroll through my blog, was feeling rather nostalgic and boh liao, decided to see at what frame of mind in that moment in time, made me write something that stupid, mundane or emo.

Whilst wallowing in this ride back to the past, I was surprised to see that there were 2 or 3 comments on afew entries over a period of time. Mind you that I do not expect anyone to post anything on my blog, seeing that this blog is for ranting and bitching, nothing really to somment about really.

Now I don’t know whther to laugh, feel freaking pissed off or just flattered that other people, apart from afew of my closest of kin read this blog.

1. Pissed off in the sense that my feelings and emotions poured into certain entries is not merely worth a 20 cent comment.

2. Taking the one eye closed way and say that some of the comments postsed are just so off.

3. Flattered in the fact that my entries are read with general interest and intent, which I have no idea why anyone would want to read it for, but that’s just me I guess. And also with the fact that people with nothing better to do would post the same comment in more than one entry.

BUT! I would want get this off my chest:

1. My blog has no nice graphics… it took a blind person to point that out?

2. My blog is not a manual for virgin blogging fucks.

3. Very well detailed and informative?

4. There should be more picture on my site/ Who the hell do you think you are?

Really.. get a fucking gawd damn life…..

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