Monday, August 28, 2006


Hello WORLD!!

Yes, am back from my month long (more or less) hiatus from the bloggersphere. With simple reason that I have had absolutely NOTHING note worthy to write about.

This would also be excluding that las entry where I was lambasting Nokia. Trust me you would be from what I have described from the correspondence, which was a milder take on what I would have written if my cerebral censorship wasn’t intact. There was a couple more correspondence that would end somewhat coming from a scene from a Indian movie; like a neverending merry go round around a tree. I’d save my breath, patience is a virtue.

As it would be of me writing at the dead of night or at the birth of the day, I am havinf trouble sleeping again, which is kinda strange as I did swim quite abit today, which was to dilute the guilt which engulfed me after I polished off 3 plates of chicken rice, which I had not much regret until I could felt it churning while I was pulling of the laps. One of the “few” gastronomic vices which I enjoy…..

Still job hunting as you would know, not that I am tht eager but for the fact that I am getting rather restless at hom during the day and at times I wonder whether my brain is degenerating into a grey mush, which I think parts of it hhave become.

Nonetheless! I shall persevere. “AHEM”. Well, I’kk stand by one of my few mantras that good things comes to those who wait, though it is rather depressing to look at the job sites and find nothing to which would e suitable. I have been volunteered to volunteer to do something with the St Andrew’s Mission Hospital, something that may seem promising and I hope it leads to other avenues as well.

I have been hearing this time and time again to “chill, don’t rush into getting a job, you’ve got the rest of your life to work”. Maybe that’s my safety net of not really looking?

Sigh it may seem so long ago, but I was still a uni student 2 months ago, fond memories but I it’s transitional period for me now, so live life as it is. Have been at the start of some ‘garage’ ventures, and have been incubating some in my noggin, so I hope it bares fruit.

It’s rather strange, somewhat curious to know what some people that don’t know you at all, would say just by observing you and your peers over a short period of time. I mean, what would their intentions be/ Mindtrick? The Truth? Genuine Concern?

HAH! Yea right… up YOURS! I’m not an easy book to read if I want, so save your breath, concern and word of wisdom, you can’t see me numbnuts.

And how did this come about? In a club if you’d believe. And why me? There’s always a rat (or a monkey if that’s your preference), a big dumb, drunk one at that. Politics of dancing indeed.

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