Thursday, March 08, 2007

if i may...

concer that:

  • as much as i like my tipple, i think it is really becoming my poison. For what it is it's really prolonging my interntions to get a good night's rest, and as a result of this I'd be in a semi-zombied state.
  • I might have a shoe fetish.. erm yea... 2 shhoes in respective weeks is not the way to go really. or it just might be that I was rather obsessed with a pair of old school Adidas pair that I think I bought it for the mere fact of just getting it for satisfaction. Erm, and yea, kinda hard to balance out shoe wearing proportioning.... now why the hell am I writing this?
  • Lastly, low and behold, for those who have commented that I do have work and seldom blabber on MSN these days, low and behold that it isn't an illusion or something. Though I am not really THAT "BUSY busy, as in no time to breath sorta deal, it's just that I am setting my own deadlines, like in uni, conning the mind as seom of mt friends would be...

Ok .. enough rambling, this is soooooo gonna be a long day ....

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