Saturday, July 22, 2006

Domino Effect of Thoughts

This is how I’’m going to start this entry as I think it’s the best way. It may be an entry about at all, or it maybe that of something ‘deep.

In all, as the title would suggest, it’s domino effect of thoughts that sort of rolled up into this entry, which was triggered by just the mundane (in the bigger picture of things) of everfay life, like conversations, encounters, situations etc, and probably the madness of waking up at this hour, that compeled me to write this.

Woke up early ib Friday as seemed to be the norm these past few weeks, from a ver good sleep (9 hours in fact, with a break of 3 hours when I was enticed to go clubbing at like 1 a.m.). hhad my dinner/breakfast, did my tri-weekly ritual of weights, and afterthat, the elements of this entry starts.

Had earlier in the week rranged to have lunch with Yum, which most people that are in the know, is a fellow food nut. So we had a late one at Vis a vis, which I’ll plug right now. It’s located at Bukit Timah, the shop houses next to the parking lots, across the road from Beauty World. Fine French cuisine.

I stress on the word fine. And plus for $20.00++ for set lunch, it was well worth it: For lunch it was Pumplin Soup, An excellent Sirloin, A coconut pancake which had no traces of that whats so ever as I detest that fruit, and of course coffee (thanks again).

Well, had the usual comverstaions that would be done during a meal, abit of catching up, whats going on blah blah, the usual stuff, and frankly, none of our bee’s wax. But skimming the surfacem tere were quiteafew parallels that I could draw upon from Yum. Skimming on the surface as I said as anything else would be coming across as sounding conceited and other unpleasantries.

That was that, so when back home and mucked around infront of the comp, and by chance just started to have a casual conversation with Evan. Yes, the Light jedi himself. Again I shant divuldge much form this. In some sense it did make look at somethings form a different perspective.

So, in the same time was having an on and off conversation with Kevin, nothing really to say again on this part, but was sort of the catalyst that mad me write this, which I shall attempt to translate the crux of what is occupyinig my homosephian harddisk:

It’’s funny how people would define in their life’s, what would be a priority in their lives, even if they do know that in the end it’ll lead them to nowhere. Just for that moment, they have that moment of euphoria and adrenalin that most human’s would want in life.

Now in my over sometimes, rational and over thought mind, I sometimes wonder is this all worth it? I know we all don’t preactise what we preach, but it’s always good to come across people that are similar ro yours and, this might sound abit mental, evern though they’re similar to you, the would be in a different state of mind, in terms of needs, wants, drive, ambition.

"Success isa a journey, not a destination. I have this desire and belief in that I can achieve, and that obstacles are meant to be met and surpassed, which I feel that I have done so far in the situations to which I have encountered and been." says I.

These everyday occurances when it all rolls up, does make me wonder about my perspective amd my center of balance I guess?

Yes, fucking dry. Will be a drone of society on my next entry .. a smart arse as well ... hold our breath,,,

Thursday, July 20, 2006


As some of you know might know. I am currently in a transitional period; between educational life and the dreaded death sentence –working life.

Hence, the only rather productive thing for me to conjure with would be to work on my C.V. (which at this moment the 3 pages of my minuscule achievements and milestones are being combed through by 2 proffesionals, which I am eternally grateful to) and vege out on the couch or bother everyone else that seems to be working or tied up with other things.

Anyways, was mucking around on the laptop and decided to scroll through my blog, was feeling rather nostalgic and boh liao, decided to see at what frame of mind in that moment in time, made me write something that stupid, mundane or emo.

Whilst wallowing in this ride back to the past, I was surprised to see that there were 2 or 3 comments on afew entries over a period of time. Mind you that I do not expect anyone to post anything on my blog, seeing that this blog is for ranting and bitching, nothing really to somment about really.

Now I don’t know whther to laugh, feel freaking pissed off or just flattered that other people, apart from afew of my closest of kin read this blog.

1. Pissed off in the sense that my feelings and emotions poured into certain entries is not merely worth a 20 cent comment.

2. Taking the one eye closed way and say that some of the comments postsed are just so off.

3. Flattered in the fact that my entries are read with general interest and intent, which I have no idea why anyone would want to read it for, but that’s just me I guess. And also with the fact that people with nothing better to do would post the same comment in more than one entry.

BUT! I would want get this off my chest:

1. My blog has no nice graphics… it took a blind person to point that out?

2. My blog is not a manual for virgin blogging fucks.

3. Very well detailed and informative?

4. There should be more picture on my site/ Who the hell do you think you are?

Really.. get a fucking gawd damn life…..

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


What is it that drives you?

What is it that makes you want to reach into the depths of your guts?

What makes you want to go for it?

That perfection?

What is it that makes you want to stand above everyone else?

What brings about that yearning?

What spurs you?

What is your soul?

The yearning to achieve what the mundane wouldn’t dare think of?

What about you?

What is it?

Saturday, July 08, 2006


I thought I'd give up aloota props to peps that made my life in Perth rather hard to forget, so here's a big shoutout to you guys

And if Ihaven't said thanked anyone for the millionth time for the scrapbook, I'd say it again, thanks again guys, was and will forever be appreciated.

Roll Out:
  • Herman, the first person I ever came across on Kurrajong Viilage.
  • Sharon, who dragged me to the very student housing ball. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't have come across the follow 2;
  • John Herald, yes. like him or loathe him. The man who made me an alcoholic (not that I'm complaining.),
  • Daniel, one of the best buds you could ever have, a true good friend.
  • CS and Vincent, my makan kakis, the 5 year plan lives on ...
  • Mervyn, bitch, babu utam, fallu mama niki toi ma ... haha/// keep it cool and chilled dude...
  • Didier, the killer ... Too much Too much ...
  • Anne and Leonie, the 2 nutters... hehe .. we'll drink off again.. one day
  • Dee Dee, the sweetest amd somcerest person I've ever and will know (you can check for my typos on this entry if you want .. ;))
  • Ellen, Carolyn and Wendy, take it easy and don't drive the new tenant up the wall ... wish there was another semester at 46 ;)
  • Rhys, Cheers mate!! may every drink contribute to you doing even more nuttier things funnel deepthroat time and time again
  • Chris, the english cunt ..haha... WOT?
  • Bones, Tulang!! I LOVE WEED BYTCH!! ... haha..... keep on flying dude...
  • Hemal, man if I could record your laughter plyah ...
  • Jens, Ze jerman .. Huh? What? Me?
  • Connor, General Wong.. continue what you do best, and I won't go into details.
  • Raul, I'm satan, you're mickey and I'm the mouse, meet me by the rivers of babylon G .. haha
  • marcus, I'm not taking on anymore of your suffestions .. haha
  • Erin, keep in touch.. ;)
  • Din, the din dong.... haha
  • Min, nice to have come across you, pity it wasn't ear;ier.... ;)
  • Mehul, keep in touch bro!
  • Chiewlian, the laughter that will alert campus security.
  • Jempel, !!! in a nutshell he's just one mad italiano!!
  • And lastly, Kevin Hau, I owe you alot man, went through alot of sacred shit with you, thanks for the sessions as well...... and sushi.
  • And if I forgor anyone else ... OOPS?

The only time you ever say goodbye is when you die....

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


“To every thing, turn, turn, turn,
There is a season, turn, turn,turn,
And a time to every purpose under heaven

A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep

To everything, turn, turn, turn,
There is a season, turn, turn, turn,
And a time to every purpose under heaven

A time to build up, a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones
A time to gather stones together

To everything, turn, turn, turn,
There is a season, turn, turn, turn,

And a time to every purpose under heaven

A time of love, a time of hate
A time of war, a time of peace
A time you may embrace
A time to refrain from embracing

To everything, turn, turn, turn,
There is a season, turn, turn, turn,
And a time to every purpose under heaven

A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rend, a time to sew

A time to love, a time to hate
A time for peace, I swear it's not too late”
-The Byrds "Turn!Turn! Turn!"
Columbia Records 1965

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