Tuesday, May 31, 2005


I hate to admit this, but it is biting me bad.

I don’t know what caused this.

I guess it is knowing the unknown.

Fearing to be left behind, once again.

What is the force that binds the stars?

I wore this mask to hide my scars.

What is the power that pulls the tide?

Never could find a place to hide.

What moves the Earth around the sun?

What could I do but run and run and run?

Afraid to fail.

A mast without a sail.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Bone to pick

Now Playing: Tears for Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule The World

I have a bone to pick with Australian Television, I really do. It really has got to be one of the worst free to air television anywhere in the world. Well, if it's anything to go by I've only come across Singaporean (PCK??!! ..eeewwwww), Malaysian, English, Italian (oo... varities) and the French of course, but really, nothing can ever beat Australiana and their fascination with the following:

1. Reality
Really, with the amount of time I've clocked on the couch with the clonker in my hand, I think I can spaek from experience when I can say, even though reality is a nothing fo me that reality has passed it's sell by date.
I mean, who the fuck really gives a shit about 8 bitches, bimbos or yobos yanking on couches??? Really, and this i'm refering to none other than Big Brother, like really, and to milk the interest of anyoen that is watching, you've got the play by play afteshow commentary and the show on the play by play, like gawd. Get a life....
And also, Australian idol, the finae is like 3 fucking hours long.. sheesh, exploitation at it's most blatant.

2. Home Improvement & D.I.Y. shows
I know tat Aussies like nothing better to do than tomeddle around the ouse on the weekends. I do ave it on good advise, and this is coming from a couple of Australians that they are thrifty, fair enough. But why the fuck would I care about the differences of 1,000 varieties of fertilizers?? dung is fung thanks you very much ...

3. The news.
Latly, I thought channel 5's news was the epitome of shit, but some of tjhe news here is ... . They oh so love to sensationalise everything and anything, also try to tag everything in the world that Astralia can be assoiciated with. And IT IS SO slanted it's worst than me hangning a poster (ok.. bad joke...)
Liek that female that was sentenced to 20 years in Bali for marijuaa, I mean like she's guilty as sinned the way I see it, too bad, at least she didn't get life imagioe what the fuck that might bring about here, right or wromg, justice was served. Now SBS .. THTAT's NEWS.

Well, was watching tele hence the ranting, lets just hope I don't get kicked outta here....

Saturday, May 28, 2005


Now Playing: Guns n Roses - November Rain

I was ramaging through my folder of word documents, stuff that I wrote out before I started this, or interesting stuff that friends send me. This next one is one sent by non other than Master Botak, think it was the first time I ever talked to him online, and of course, it had to be about women... haha ... but hey, that's what friendships are born out of. I do apologise if I'm in a way ripping you off Evs ...

'Dear Men & Women/Boys & Girls,

It has come to my attention that there has been a rather interesting e-mail circulating about what kind of guys women detest. As a personal opinon, I feel that in general, women nowadays are asking too much from men and are too choosy with what they can get. For some reason they always think if the man they get is perfect, well then good. If he has a small certain flaw then he is terrible. Somehow a majority of women nowadays are aiming above their capabilites it seems. I think they must be getting influenced too much by new groups like Destiny's Child and their songs like "Independent Women". They act like then can manage everything on their own without a man in their lives and if a man is in their life, they want full control. Women were sent to earth for a reason. A man should be the support to the 50% of what a woman lacks and his woman should realise that he is not perfect either and that they in vice-versa should also be the other 50% for what he lacks. This is what a relationship is about. So you women out there , when you think that you can be ultra-choosy and pick on guys weak points and exploit them, remember that nobody is perfect and neither are you. If you want to be such an independent woman, you don't really need a man, so why bother dressing your ass up every single day to attract men that you know are below your standards... Wake up your idea lah! Here is my response to the survey found, attached below. The 10 things guys found unattractive about women.


Evan '

1) A "Poser" Woman
This is the typical woman, most guys find utterly worthless. Dressing up everyday to catch as many eyes of a man as possible. And spending hours in front of the mirror to put on a show to the rest of the world. Saying, "Hey look at me!" Being in a relationship with this kind of woman makes a man feel insecure. A strong man might give less of himself to her while the weaker ones will become greatly possesive and suspicous. No harm in looking good no doubt, just don't make it seem that your looks is everything your world revolves around.

This kind of woman feels that she can get any guy she wants depending on her mood, and what the guy is willing to give. Things are never good enough for this one. She will act "Boh-Chup" at times and make a guy feel jealous when he doesn't satisfy her wants/demands.

3)The Liar Playgirl
These girls are one of the most dangerous, so fellow guys never fall in love with one, or else you are plain and simply stupid. She will be an easy one to get in actual fact. Just show you like her and she will know how to play the strings of your heart. She will also try to act like she is hard to get, so that you will think she is a good girl and bluff the way into your heart. Once you get her, she will be easy to get into bed and there may be a danger of her being really good in bed and controlling you even further. She will openly flirt with other guys, to see if she can exchange something better for you if it comes along. She will always do this, "Just a friend mah?? Why you always don't trust me?" Yeah, guys are suspicous for a reason, they want to make sure that they are giving their heart to the right woman. But this is no reason not to trust a girl, don't forget to learn to slowly trust. Never make being suspicious an excuse unless you know she is a play-girl deep down inside.

4)The Act "Cold Heart" Woman
This kind of woman is one of the hardest to understand. She may have been hurt by men before and now finds it hard to trust their new man. They find if very hard to open up and say whats on their mind or express feelings without holding back. Being in a relationship with them feels like you are playing a game of chess. It might take time or it might take forever to win. Good Luck.

5)"Tai-Tai" Wannabies
Ok girls get over it, its the new world and we are living in the future. Its not gonna be easy to have a family with one bread-winner. Its no more the days of Camelot where your guy is going to ride up on his horse, take you to his castle and make you his bride while he goes out to battle and you eat and be merry. A man deeply values a woman that can be is aid in times of need and help be the support of the family. A woman that can help him makes him feel like a Superman with backup from Wonderwoman. Every man is looking for their wonderwoman, this is very attractive. So you "Tai-Tai" wannabies better snap out of your dream.

6)The Lie Addict
Wow, this one brings a man lots of headache, please if you every get into a relationship with this one, dump her quick. She will bring you nothing but jealousy and unstability. She lies about everything just to make you have 100% confidence about her. She may be afraid to be up-front about things due to the fear of you thinking otherwise. Please lah girls, if your are upfront about things from the start of dating, the guy will understand, appreaciate and be more flexible with you. She will tend to lie about the simplest things, like "I was out with only girls..." when you never even questioned if she went out with other guys. The matter of the fact may be that you don't even mind but she has to lie cause she is afraid to be caught. Lying is a good sign of bad things to come. A girl has to lie it is a sign of guilt. Don't forget.

7)Material Girl
This is another typical worthless girl. She puts more value into worldly material than the warmth of soul. For her, the most important thing is that she has to look good in what she wears or what builds her image. It may be the latest Nokia handphone or every new top at Mango. She has to have it. She values how much you love her according to how much you spend on her. She just loves to be spoiled. A relationship with this girl will just be shallow. Next please...

This kind of girl places a lot of value in the flesh rather than what emotional stability a guy can give. He has to have drop dead looks before anything else. This is another common type of shallow woman. Guys, you know what to do, get in and get out... Just don't get burned.

9)The Party Girl
Being with this kind of girl is usually a strange relationship. She may love you but will dish plans with you at anytime for an Event happening at a local club. You sometimes feel she is attached to clubbing instead of you. She always has late nights out and rarely invites you. Dressing up and dancing and drinking are her specialities. Who she knows and where she has been are her diplomas and degrees. Little does she know you whou love to spend a nice quiet evening with her at home where you can hear each other without having to shout to compete with noise levels. Its impossible to meet her in the day because, just like a nocturnal cat, she will be sleeping from her exhausing night out. She will usually have a group of friends just like her. You know when to dump her if you sneak you

Friday, May 27, 2005


Now Playing: Tupac Shakur - I Ain't Mad Atcha

It's 10 minutes to 8. For some reason my sleep pattern has really turned on it's head 'cos I have been sleeping at like 7-8 in the evening?? no shit . Well don't wish for anyting as they say, sinisterly they might come true ... lool... shite ...

Thursday, May 26, 2005

It still goes on ...

Now playing: Geprge Gershwin - Rhapsody in Blue

Semester's over... thank gawd ... had enough of those mo fo's. I should be elated, have a week to lepak and all that .. but sigh, my frustrations have gone to proportions of ridiculousity (if there ever was one), it's not funny. I wis I can get out of tis funk of mine, I really do.

I wonder if this would be an indirect form of self-pity.... sigh ...

Afterthought - HOW THE HELL DID MILAN LOSE??!! I mean it was a good game but really, what has happen to the art form that is catanchhio (??)??? The ball truly is round...

Me Against The World (damn cliches)

Now Playing: The Rolling Stones vs. Fatboy Slim – Sympathy for The Devil

It really has been a frustrating week for me, I sometimes wonder if I’m pushing myself to hard. It may not seem that way to most people on the outside, as most dickheafs won’t, but life is truly a complicated journey. Ir’s me against theworld.

Pushing myself you might say? Well, for all ignorant fools out there, I would have to admit and say it now to get through to you AND SPELL it out clearly to you …


Having to go through life being shitscared that you’d lose something as valuable as that is unthinkable. Haviing to make the extra effort to keep up with the status quo is daunting. I sometimes do wonder whether it’s worth it, all that unneccsary stress when I can easily just fall into blatant mediocrity as some people might suggest.

But never would I fall, crumble on such thoughts, life has taught me so many lessons, young as it is. It has been one of the most trying weeks as far as I can remember …

However, it’s good to know that you’re being thought of and appreciated, funny how the small things in life always makes your day, lifting the spirits and haling the tortured soul. I won’t be gawdy and start mentioining names but you know who you are …

Saturday, May 21, 2005


Now Playing: BBC World Service

Been awhile since I've written anything. as youknow .. it 'pends on the mood, everything seems alright.. I thought, but then again some people are just sheep, ignorance is bliss and sometimes it can't seem to get it pass their head... ah well... dumb ass mo' fo's ....

But this is really bugging me, well.. i guess it's on my mind....

Ever since that wedding weekend, lots of things have been on my mind. For a sstart I think my dad’s ex is a first class bitch (but I think it comes with a lot of baggage), but that’s my 5 cents worth. I did also fell that the family did get closer abit, there was a certain togetherness…. Eh .. maybe it’s just the mood.

But the thing that’s really bugging me is this ‘stress’ of sorts after seeing what I saw over the weekend. Well, for a start the respect and authority and power that my dad has is truly amazing and somewhat awe inspiring in my point of view, not that my mom’s one has not gone unnoticed but I think his is more apparent and in your face.

But really, the amount of high powered people that were there made me few so tiny, I never felt so out of place before, even though it was family that was hosting the weekend and there afew people buttering up to me and my sis after realizing who our relations were, somewhat amusing but to be honest? I really enjoyed it.

Now have I gone out of my head to say that I would want to be where my dad is one fine day? Well, hell, a fraction of what my brothers have achieved would be fine by me, but really am I not bring realistics? At the moment failure is not an option, look at my mom, sis, dad, brothers, sis in law also… sigh.. am feeling this self imposed/inflicted pressure on me… help?

Back to reality, a month to go and siesta form this shithole.. no offense...

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